Mindfulness has its roots in Buddhism and meditation dating back many years. However, no beliefs are required for you to practice this in your daily life.
By learning how to use the present moment as your focus in your day to day life and by taking particular notice of your surroundings, being non judgemental and being aware of how you feel, you can create for yourself a more peaceful and stress free life.
The present moment is the key here. In mindfulness your thoughts of past and future are refocused to the here and now. Negative thoughts are an automatic way we are all programmed to think. Therefore negativity as a whole can affect how we act and feel. You will have thought perhaps about an upsetting moment in the past or something that may be worrying you that has yet to happen in the future. This is normal. However, by using mindfulness you bring your thoughts to the present, noticing them, how any tensions feel in your body, accepting how they feel and creating space to let these feelings subside. Negativity can then becomes positive using this new way of thinking.
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